5 Quick Things

Project 365, Day 43

It’s Friday, and you know what that means! Five. Quick. THINGS! Except, of course, nothing I do is ever quick in terms of this blog. I always go into a post saying “oh, I’ll just do something they can read quickly” and then walk away having typed out 1,000 words. Sorry my friends (but also, not really?). In elementary school, I was an A student. Top of my class in everything…including the number of times I got “unsatisfactories” on my report card not for math, not for reading, but for TALKING TOO MUCH. The same goes for my ballet class. I remember my mom telling me my ballet teacher said I had so much promise, except that I was always disrupting the class and distracting the other girls by being a chatterbox.

I have so many stories to tell, so much to say, I can’t help it! To love me is to, evidently, listen to me talk and over share incessantly.

Okay, let’s see if I can put a cap on my verboseness, just for one day. Here are five quick things I wanted to share with you this week:

Quick Thing #1

Thank you to the reader (I believe it was Emma) who recommended I start a Goodreads profile to keep track of all the books that have been recommended to me and want to read. I finished Untamed by Glennon Doyle just before the buzzer of my electronic library rental, and I loved it. I bought a copy for my best friend and sent it to her for her birthday earlier this week, and this is what I told her about it: “I finished it last night and it’s literally the only book I’ve read cover to cover in, uh, years. It’s wonderful and empowering and inspiring. It’s a really easy read. But it’s so great if you feel a little stuck or lost or…anything.” I always appreciate an author who sounds believable, like I’m just chatting with them. Can’t wait to get to all the titles on my new Goodreads profile!

Quick Thing #2

I did the most un-designy thing I’ve done in a while: I bought the Ov’ Glove. Let me tell you, it was a good choice. I had cute-enough oven mitts that were dingy but more importantly got scorchingly hot which to me, defeats the point of an oven mitt? Also, the shape of an oven mitt is ridiculous. They render your hand’s normal dexterity practically useless. The five-finger approach of the Ov’ Glove is far superior, and so far, it’s kept my hand nice and cool even with a 450-degree oven. I’m a convert, and I don’t care how ugly they are.

Quick Thing #3

Donte Colley is one of my favorite feel-good Instagram follows. He can get very real at times, which I also find refreshing. He has a tragic story, which makes the positivity he spreads even more inspiring to me. Some of his videos are just him dancing (which is fun to watch), but other times, they’re this. I love it.

Quick Thing #4

Leave it to someone in their mid-30s to get SO excited about a good pair of socks. I’ve never had a pair of no-show socks that I actually liked. They were either sports socks that were pretty thick and still showed, or they were so flimsy that one step forward and the sock was halfway down to my toes. These are neither of those things. They are everything! I even did the impossible: sleep with a short sock and wake up with both socks still on my feet. That’s how well they stay up. And the inside is so soft and fuzzy, but without making my feet sweat. They are THE PERFECT SOCK and I just bought my second pack. I already told my sister, and now I’m telling you.

Quick Thing #5

As if the ice cream I consumed last night (and tonight) weren’t enough, I spotted this recipe for Levain Bakery copy-cat cookies and now I know how I’m spending my Saturday. For anyone who doesn’t know about Levain Bakery, it’s this tiny, beloved bakery in New York that makes the most outrageously decadent cookies. I believe they now sell them frozen to bake at home in some grocery stores like Whole Foods, but I may try my hand at this recipe. On the day Charles proposed, we stopped at Levain Bakery on the way to Central Park. One day, I’ll tell you that full story, but that’s maybe another reason why that cookie is so special to me. 🙂

See you tomorrow, friends.