5 Quick Things

Project 365, Day 50

Day 50! Halfway to 100, which is one-third of the way to 300, which is 65 days short of a year! I’m not trying to rush it or anything, but it just feels like a little milestone to celebrate. I can’t lie…On January 1, even though I swore up and down I’d be doing this until the last day of 2021, there was a part of my mind that figured I’d back my way out of it somehow. But I’m still here. Yay!

At this point, this has become part of my routine. Charles and I finish dinner, he goes to tidy the kitchen and get to work on a blog post. And Thursdays are particularly delightful because I get to write Friday’s 5 Quick Things post, which I have a lot of fun thinking about all week. “Oh, I’ll save this for Friday!” is a thought I have numerous times over the seven days between posts.

Let’s get this party started.

Quick Thing #1

Last week, I included a recipe for a copycat Levain Bakery chocolate chip cookie and a few of you talked about how much you just prefer to eat the dough. WELL, I have a treat for you. I’d like to introduce you to my favorite chickpea cookie dough recipe. I’ve been making this for myself for years. While it might sound and look like it’s a weird sweet hummus, it’s not actually like that at all. The oats give it some body, the nut butter (I always use peanut butter) makes it extra creamy and the chocolate chips well, I don’t need to tell you what they do. It does not taste like chickpeas at all. It tastes like silky, peanut buttery, chocolatey yumminess. It’s best after it’s been in the refrigerator for a bit to firm up, but I can’t lie, I’m currently eating a helping straight from the food processor. Enjoy!

Quick Thing #2

I spent the better part of a year detangling necklaces I tried to layer because I love that look. And then I got the Necklet from my sister-in-law for Christmas, and I’ve never looked back. I have the triple layering clasp, but they have a double layering clasp, as well, if you prefer. Essentially, you clip your necklaces into each side of the Necklet, and it prevents all the chains from mingling and creating disastrous knots. If you like the layered look, do yourself a favor and get one of these things.

Quick Thing #3

At what age do headbands stop being cute? I’m just going to pretend I’m not there yet. Madewell sent me a $25 store credit for my birthday, so I picked up this headband and I love it. It isn’t tight at all so I don’t get that headband headache I used to get. I forgot how great hair accessories are at hiding dirty hair…I need to get more of these things.

Quick Thing #4

Yes, most of this country is frozen over. Los Angeles itself isn’t exactly warm. HOWEVER, for anyone who wants to pretend for a second that spring has sprung, I wanted to let you know this T-shirt dress I wrote about last summer is BACK. I wore this dress weekly when it was warm enough to. It’s soft, washes well, isn’t clingy but also doesn’t look like a sack of potatoes, and isn’t see-through. A handful of the colors appear to be sold out, but I might just pick up the mint green one now…that price is hard to beat.

Quick Thing #5

One of my favorite interiors account to follow on Instagram is a1000xBetter. They’re a staging/styling/real estate/interior design company here in Los Angeles, and their work is ::chef’s kiss::. So warm, perfectly layered, inviting, fresh…I can see myself living in every room they post.

Before I go, I’m curious if anyone has a mattress they REALLY love. Like, they feel evangelical about? I’m possibly in the market for a new one. I prefer memory foam or hybrid, and while I love a soft bed, my back does not, so a medium soft-firm situation would be ideal. Let me know!

See you tomorrow, friends!