Books, Blue Skies, Butt-Kicking Challenges: My Weekly Gratitudes

image via Poketo

Project 365, Day 48

WOO Since I had to promote my Skillshare project yesterday, I missed doing my Tuesday gratitudes, which if there’s ever a week to do, it would be this one, so I hope you don’t mind I did a little shifty shift. Tuesday was a funny day…a study in opposites. Half of me was rundown and constantly frustrated with a work situation that ran awry (don’t ever be fooled into thinking photoshoots are “fun” and glamorous), while half of me was elated that I got to launch my e-course. It was a project, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, that I honestly didn’t know I could get through. The first call I had with Skillshare, I took from my bed, apologizing for seeming unprofessional. At the time, I could barely sit up without wincing. I had just finished getting MRIs but hadn’t gotten my results back and the worst thoughts you can possibly think were constantly swirling through my head. While I still don’t 100% know what’s happening in my stubborn body, I at least know what it’s NOT now. But back then was a very different story.

I asked the Skillshare team for a few days to talk things over with Charles. They graciously gave it to me and assured me that they’d work around any of my physical ailments as best they could. They were truly wonderful, beautiful human beings. A few days after my call, I had a handful of days for the first time since August that I didn’t feel absolutely horrendous. I took it as a sign to just do it. I’ll figure it out, I thought. Opportunities like that don’t come around all that often, and I decided to bet on myself. Always bet on yourself. The days leading up to filming, I felt awful again, but miraculously, somehow, the day that I was supposed to film, I survived. I was able to focus, not riddled with pain and discomfort. Man am I grateful for that!

So anyhow, I can’t not start my gratitudes list this week with my thankfulness for being picked to teach this class! If you don’t know much about Skillshare, you don’t just write them up and say “Hey! I want to teach for you!” As I understand it, you’re hand-selected, and wow…I still can’t really believe it. That said…

I’m grateful to have been given the forum to share my skills and my passion, even in a format that stretched me.

I’m grateful for an audience, however compact, to tap into that forum where I shared my skills and passion.

I’m grateful for friends who lift me up and make me feel really darn good about myself.

I’m grateful for parents who comment things like “you’re awesome!” and “you’re so beautiful” (mom, always mom) on my work.

I’m grateful for Thai food that fueled me today after a long day when I couldn’t bring myself to cook.

I’m grateful for a job that challenges me…sometimes more than I want it to in ways I don’t want it to challenge me.

I’m grateful for chocolate chips.

I’m grateful for candles that smell great (like P.F. Candle Co. brand in the top image).

I’m grateful for physical therapy, even though it kicks my tush every single time.

I’m grateful for blue skies.

I’m grateful for quiet and stillness.

I’m grateful for books.

I’m grateful for love, of all kinds.

I’m grateful for hygiene (this is a weird one, but talked to my mom about a book she was reading on hygiene in the 1700s…eye-opening).

I’m grateful for you!

See you tomorrow, friends (after a little Lillördag for me today!).