I Have a New Idea…


FOAS, there’s much to catch up on. It’s been weeks…nay…months since I’ve last checked in. I’ve missed our community, however small it may be now since being fairly inactive around here. This, however, is not an updates post. I owe you all one. But rather, an idea I had out of the blue the other day for an easy way to stay connected starting next month.

A few days ago, I was tinkering around the kitchen, using my new recycled plastic cutting boards from Material and I said to myself “I wish I could tell FOAS how much I love these.” And then I thought, “wait…why can’t I exactly?” So, basically, that’s the idea: short recommendation-style posts every weekday throughout the month of November just to get me going again. Sitting down and writing personal essays feels a bit daunting to me at the moment, as I juggle my full-time job and full-time motherhood…and full-time exhaustion and full-time lack of motivation.

But the thought zapped me with a familiar zeel of excitement I haven’t felt in a while. A little jumping ball of light in my gut that tells me I’m onto something.

To expand a little bit more on the “new idea,” I plan to share a straightforward product recommendation daily for something I own and love. I hate spending money on garbage. I know this because I’ve spent so much money on garbage. And as we enter the frenzy of the buying season, I figured I could be a stop along your shopping hunts. Maybe I’ll share my absolute favorite moisturizer I can’t be without, or the not-that-great-looking-but-unbelievably-convenient toiletry travel bag I’ve owned for years.

Product recommendations were always a part of the vision I had for Arlyn Says originally. Any OG FOAS will remember the favorites that I included at the bottom of the newsletter I used to send, pre-Arlynsays.com. I get such joy and fulfillment from hearing that something I suggested was well-received, and I’m told that often, so…perhaps I have a knack for this?

Anyway, I hope you all pop by every day, if not to buy something—because well, most of us don’t *need* more “stuff”—to at least be part of the conversation if you have your own recommendations in line with what I’m sharing. The more the merrier, I say.

I can’t wait to get started again, and to hear from you all again. See you on Tuesday, November 1 (rabbit, rabbit).