Regarding No Masks, Opening Up: How Are Things Where You Are?
Project 365, Day 167/365
Today, June 15 (technically, your “yesterday”), Los Angeles “opened back up.” There are no limited capacity guidelines in place anymore, masks are no longer required at most places outside of public transport and medical buildings…it’s all back to whatever normal is supposed to be now. And I have to be honest, I’m nervous about it. Uneasy.
While I do trust the science of the vaccine I received, my mask, my social distancing, my quarantining has been my crutch. There was so little I could control with the pandemic this past year (none of us could, of course), with my own body, that the things I could, well…I’m already mourning them. It felt like from one moment to the next, the door was flung open, and now I’m being pushed out of it. I don’t like to be pushed.
Over the past month or so, since we have been officially fully vaccinated, Charles and I have been dipping our toes in being a bit more social. A bit more trusting of the air around us. We’ve been to a friend’s house for dinner, we’ve had another set of friends over, we’ve gone on a short vacation and a day trip or two. But knowing that places had Covid compliance policies in place made me feel safer. I watched as other states and cities played it seemingly loose and free, while it felt as if California had me tucked into its warm, cozy womb, keeping me guarded against the wilds I hear from my family in Florida, for instance.
Cases in Los Angeles are incredibly low. There were 210 new cases today, in a county of 10 million. But there’s still a voice in my head that says “this isn’t over, why are we acting like it’s all over?” I also understand that I am incredibly risk-averse, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I really just like being home, with Charles. Walking around without the fear for my loved ones since everyone is vaccinated has been wonderful and freeing and has done wonders for my anxiety. But…are we ready? Anytime I’ve done something seemingly “normal,” I’m surprised by how in fact normal it feels, which at the same time soothes me and terrifies me.
How are things where you are? Have things opened up and it’s all been okay? How have you dealt with the transition back into “normal” life? While masks are no longer mandatory here in LA at places like the grocery store, I feel comfortable continuing to wear mine indoors and in any crowded outdoor area. What about you?
Whether you agree or disagree with me and my stance, I’d love to hear from you.
See you tomorrow, FOAS.