5 Quick Things

Project 365, Day 78/365

What a strange week in terms of timing. Because of Day Light Savings, the days themselves seemed to fly by, but somehow, the week itself was interminable. I know this because I was chatting with Charles about something. “When was that…like two, three weeks ago?” I asked him in earnest. “Arlyn, that was earlier this week.” I 100% fought him on it. I simply did NOT believe that an event my mind placed so far back in the rearview mirror was not but a few days prior. Ay! What an odd construct time is, hm?

So yeah, it’s safe to say this upcoming weekend will be greatly appreciated. I might even paint! One day, I’ll say that, and really mean it! 🙂

Let’s get going on these 5 quick things that never actually seem to be that quick.

Quick Thing #1

Watching people “hack” their way to things is always a fun internet pastime for me, but I rarely actually adopt anything I see. But I recently saw this jean-folding trick and I’m pretty sure my jaw hit my chest without realizing it. It’s so simple, it’s one of those things that make you wonder how you never thought to do it like that in the past. Truly 🤯.

Quick Thing #2

For this week’s lillordag, it was my turn to pick a movie. My physical therapy aide had been telling me about this movie on Netflix for weeks. I couldn’t go another week saying “no, I didn’t watch it yet” when she asked me so I bit the bullet and it was…good? Enjoyable? Upsetting? I’m not sure how to describe it. The movie, I Care a Lot, stars Rosamund Pike of Gone Girl fame and it’s a bit of a wild ride. I really don’t want to say much more for fear of ruining it, but if you like a movie where you aren’t sure which worse person you’re rooting for, then this is the movie for you. And that absolutely did not do any bit of the plot justice.

Quick Thing #3

I blogged about buying this sweatshirt (and matching bottoms) a few weeks ago, but I’m reporting back because it’s become one of those things I dig through my hamper to find, bummed if I find it at the bottom, dirty. I wear it at least twice a week. It’s so soft, so comfortable, warm (but not overly warm), and decent looking enough to throw on with a pair of jeans and some layered necklaces and look like I was purposefully going for a casual, comfy vibe. I bought it in the green colorway, and may just buy it in the pink right after I finish this post.

Quick Thing #4

It’s almost the end of sumo orange season, and I can’t believe I haven’t written about them yet. Have you ever had one? I discovered them only just a few years ago via my Instagram idol Eva Chen, and I’ve never looked back. They’re only in stores from January to April and then POOF, they’re gone, until the following year. They’re enormous (the size of a softball), super sweet, seedless, easy and fun to peel, and just citrus perfection. A sumo citrus fruit is essentially a mandarin orange on steroids except that I’ve had a bad mandarin orange and NEVER a bad sumo. Be sure to keep an eye out at your local grocery store for the next few weeks if you’re interested in trying one.

Quick Thing #5

Now wait just one stinkin’ minute…do I need to pivot from my rust velvet bed ideas to a blue velvet bed? I’ll let this photo do the explanation.

See you tomorrow, friends!