5 Quick Things: A New Target Collab, the Most Beautiful Cookbook, My Meditation App

Project 365, Day 141/365

My friends! I have somehow missed everyone’s comments from the past few days and I’m so sorry. Last night, as Charles and I walked back to our car from the sand (we’ve been going to the beach at sunset on lillordag recently), I said to him, a little sad: “You know, I wrote these few posts that I really liked and I’m not sure they were well received.” Not to say a post without comments wasn’t well-received, but it just feels a little sad and lonely without your voices added to it. You see, I get notified on the WordPress app on my phone anytime a comment rolls in, and I kept refreshing and refreshing and…nothing. After two days of that, I decided to go to the front end of my website just to see if something was broken, maybe, and then I saw that, nay! There you were, indeed. Phew, it wasn’t me that everyone hated, just my WordPress app that hated me. What a relief. 😉

Anyhow, all that to say, I’m now very behind on replying back, but I read every comment and often reply in my head, or even out loud like a fully stable person would.

What are everyone’s plans for this weekend?

As for this past week, here are a few quick things I read, bought, enjoyed, bookmarked…etc.

Quick Thing #1

I was served this New York Times article from their Modern Love series as a sponsored Facebook ad, which I normally wouldn’t have clicked on, but I did this time and it was lovely. It’s written by a woman dealing with a mysterious illness that doctors can’t figure out, but she turns to really beautiful clothes to get her through, essentially working as the promise for better days. It was short and an easy read and I recommend it.

Quick Thing #2

You may know that I’ve been trying to spend more time meditating, to deal with my anxieties, but I was struggling with sitting there just in my own thoughts, so I downloaded this free app that does guided meditations. It’s called Soothing Pod and I really like it. I didn’t want to invest in something like Headspace yet before I knew whether I would actually like guided meditations, but I feel no need to spend money on anything else at the moment, so it’s doing its job I think.

Quick Thing #3

Currently, I have a basil plant and some other herbs sitting in a shallow plastic Tupperware container on my dining room credenza by the window, and well, I need my Tupperware back, but also it looks…not the best. I ordered this planter in the 3″x9″ size from the Hilton Carter collab that just launched at Target and I’m SO excited to receive it. I think it’s going to be perfect for my herbs because it has a drainage plate that will allow me to water them without the fear of things running all over my credenza or stagnant water at the bottom of a planter without a draining hole at the bottom. I’ll report back!

Quick Thing #4

I LOVE a broccoli salad and this one looks so delicious. I can’t make it right now because of the mayo, dried cranberries and yogurt, but when I can, I certainly will. It’s perfect for summer…or like…any time really.

Quick Thing #5

For anyone trying to eat more vegetables and also find better, more creative ways to cook them, this book is wonderful. It also happens to be one of the most beautiful cookbooks I’ve ever owned. Really, it could be a coffee table book, it’s so lovely.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.