5 Quick Things: The CBD Oil You Asked Me About, Heavenly Hand Lotion, a Scary-Good Movie & More

photo via Ambitious Kitchen

Project 365, Day 100/365

ONE HUNDRED DAYS. I’ve been writing for ONE HUNDRED DAYS. Honestly, it’s so hard for me to believe about myself. If you told me 101 days ago that I’d have stuck with this writing project this long, I would have laughed in your face and told you that you didn’t know me at all. But here I still am gosh darnit, and dare I say, I’m having some fun…mostly. Ha!

Happy Friday to you all. How did everyone’s week fare? If I took stock of this week as compared to last, I’d say it was on the up and up, which is so much better than being on the down and down, I’ll tell ya. I’m looking forward to a weekend with Charles, possibly heading back to the beach for another nice picnic, working on a design project for my friend if he’ll still have me, picking a new book to stick my nose into and maybe, just maybe, attempting a Puerto Rican recipe from my new cookbook…on video…for the internet to watch. We’ll see how brave I’m feeling on Sunday. I may just change my tune by then.

Let’s get into this week’s 5 quick things:

Quick Thing #1

On Tuesday’s post, I mentioned CBD oil, and a few of you asked me in the comments which one I was using. I’m SUPER behind on comment replies this week, so I figured I’d just include a little more info in today’s post! While I can’t really “recommend” something really, I can chat through some of my experience and what I’ve tried. When I first injured myself and was in constant stress about it, someone suggested I give it a whirl as it’s been known to help with pain, inflammation and yeah, even anxiety. I can’t necessarily say that I felt a huge, immediate difference, but I did find that after a short span of daily use, my mind wandered less to scary places.

As for pain, I haven’t benefitted greatly from that, but I have read that you need to find the dosage that’s right for you, and I might not have figured out that threshold for me yet. My pharmacist cousin recommended this brand of CBD oil which I used for a while. I started with the 500mg, but eventually moved up to 750mg. It’s not cheap by any means and the higher number you hit, the pricier it becomes. I’ve also bought the brand Proof locally, which I’m currently using and have used in the past. It’s a bit more cost-effective, but sadly you can’t buy it online. There is a “where to buy” feature on their site, though, so that might help you track it down!

Quick Thing #2

I’ve decided as of this past weekend that I was going to try to get in my greens and seeds and goodness by way of daily green smoothies. This is the recipe I’ve been making all week, but I add in hemp seeds, flax meal and chia seeds, as well. It’s sweet, tart, creamy and refreshing all at once!

Quick Thing #3

For Lillordag this week, it was Charles’ turn to pick what we were watching, and he went with The Invisible Man. I protested at first because I wasn’t sure how scary or creepy it was going to be…I’m fine with thrillers and the horror genre as long as #1: it’s day time and #2: there’s no gore…or anything with like, a possession or something. Not my cup of tea. But this was surprisingly not overly scary while still being thrilling. It scored a 3/10 on the “definitely having nightmares” scale, but definitely had me shrieking a few times out of suspense. Fun times!

Quick Thing #4

Do I need to add removable wallpaper to my ceiling? I just might…what I REALLY want to do is paint my baseboards, crown molding, ceiling and doors, but I don’t think that’s happening. I’m going to chew on this for a minute.

Quick Thing #5

And finally, I have this hand lotion on my desk (eh, dining table) and use it daily. With so much sanitizer and hand washing, my digits have started looking like tan kale leaves…dino skin for sure. But this is thick and luxurious without leaving me with greasy mitts. AND OMG IT SMELLS HEAVENLY. I first learned of this brand from my old coworker Jess (if you read Emily Henderson’s blog, you know who I’m talking about). She used to sit behind me, and I’d regularly swing around in my chair and slather her lotion all over myself after she told me I could whenever I wanted to. I definitely owe her a bottle after all that lotion abuse. Then, when I bought my own bottle and used to keep it at my actual work desk before the world shut down, anytime I would use it, I could basically see everyone’s noses working overtime trying to hunt down the glorious scent. I know this because they’d say “omg that smells so good, what is that?!?” You need just a tiny bit, it lasts so long, PLUS it’s made of glycerin that’s a byproduct of processing discarded cooking oil from restaurants into biofuel.

That’s all for today. See you tomorrow, FOAS.