99 Daily Affirmations, A Room to Smile Over, Thanksgiving Idea for Two: 5 Quick Things

Here we are again. A glorious Friday. The Friday before my beloved’s birthday. What a great day it is. I thought a while about writing a post dedicated to Charles, but knowing he’s a bit of a private person, I figured that was more for me than him, which is the antithesis of what I want to do for him on his birthday, so…I’ll just write something for him privately instead. How was everyone’s week? It seemed like a handful of commenters (and myself included) had some ups and downs. I hope wherever the downs…they’ve swung back up, and wherever the ups…they’ve stayed there.

Here’s what I had my eye on this week:

Quick Thing #1

We’ll be spending Thanksgiving with two of our friends this year, but as they are vegetarians, the poultry needs for dinner are very low. Just for Charles and me. Last year, I made a turkey breast but I wasn’t super satisfied with it and looking for new ideas. I stumbled upon this cranberry stuffing turkey breast rollup that looks really nice. I may just try it!

Quick Thing #2

While we’re on recipes, I want to share one I did make this week and it was so hearty and filling. If you used to read my recipe idea roundups, you’ll know I love a good lentil soup. I tried a new recipe the other day and it was a hit! It’s vegan (if that’s of interest to you), comes together in under an hour, and very flavorful for not a ton of ingredients. Perfect for a chilly day.

Quick Thing #3

During the hand soap shortage of 2020, I found this brand on Amazon called Everyone for Every Body and since then, I’ve kept coming back to their products. I swapped using Mrs. Meyers soap for this hand soap, changed out my grocery store body wash full of artificial fragrance and who knows what else for their 3-in-1 body soap and will likely buy their sanitizer next time I need more. It’s a great brand that happens to be cruelty-free, vegan and EWG certified (which means it’s clear of any chemicals of concern). I’ve been particularly mindful of that kind of thing since becoming pregnant, but really, it’s important to know what’s going on our bodies because it ends up in our bodies.

Quick Thing #4

Just a carousel of three photos that made me smile. No surprise here: it’s a home in England.

Quick Thing #5

A long list (99) of daily affirmations to look over and try out for yourself.

See you Monday, FOAS!