A Few Little Weekly Gratitudes to Share

Photo by Pieter on Unsplash

Happy Tuesday dear readers. I’ve been excited to see a few new names popping up into the comment section, which is always fun. Seeing people who have maybe been there all along that decided to chime in. Sometimes there is lots of chatter and other times there are quiet periods amongst FOAS, and that’s totally okay! It doesn’t bother me one bit, and I’m happy for whoever feels chatty on any given day. Thank you to all who read, share, comment. It’s never lost on me.

Here are a few more things I’m grateful for right now:

I’m grateful for a short little getaway coming up soon.

I’m grateful for the nearly 15 birthdays I’ve gotten to celebrate Charles’ life as his partner.

I’m grateful for a growing little nena who clearly learned how to kickbox recently.

I’m grateful that the summer-like heat we’ve had recently is about to let up.

I’m grateful for friends who call to check in.

I’m grateful for beyond adorable baby clothes (that I found on sale!).

I’m grateful for chocolate.

I’m grateful for healing, even if it’s still working its way toward me. It’s out there…it’s coming.

I’m grateful for hand-me-downs.

I’m grateful for fresh, delicious produce. It’s hard to beat!

I’m grateful for you.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.