A Further Exploration of the Wavy Headboard DIY I’m *Maybe* Planning

Project 365, Day 157/365

This past Friday’s post, I teased the idea of a headboard DIY and today, I’m going to explore it just a little bit more. The other day, I stood over Charles’ shoulder as he worked, talking his ear off about color, bedding choices, and other very important things that deserved his attention, clearly. I’ve expressed how much I want to bring in some more color into our bedroom, but I am coming to terms with the fact that a rust-velvet-colored bed may very well be something I (or we) tire of eventually. If this were our permanent home, it might be a bit easier to commit to, but I know myself. And the next time we move, whenever that is, I’ll likely want to refresh some things. Do I want to be held hostage by an expensive bed in a color I’m maybe not super jazzed about anymore?

So I ping ponged the idea of going with something a bit more lasting. A beautiful wood bed perhaps, though I love the feeling of upholstery behind my head. Charles does, too. I thought about a warm, sexy leather, but worry about my greasy head and the like ruining it over time. I could do a neutral upholstery option, but then I’m basically just recreating what I already have, and I don’t love the light linen against the pinky peachy wall. It feels a bit too princess-y.

Which brought me here. To the idea of DIYing something far more affordable that I wouldn’t feel nearly as imprisoned by in the future. I’ve made TONS of headboards in my past. In fact, once upon a time, I was going to sell them, but I didn’t think too hard on any of the logistics, so I never did.

Exhibit A: I made this headboard!

This was my guest bedroom when I lived in Boca Raton, before moving to LA! It was everything that used to be in my primary bedroom in my previous 1-bedroom apartment. Does anyone remember those yellow flower pillows from the DwellStudio for Target line?!?

I cut out the shape with a jigsaw and added nailhead trim because I was into that at the time. (I also painted those canvases, and those nightstands, and changed out their hardware, and sewed half those pillows…SEE! I’m handy, I just…haven’t done much in a long time because I got lazy and a little bit more money).

Anyhow, I think I could get away with DIYing something again, but we’re looking to size up to a king, so it’ll take a bit more wood/MDF and fabric than before. When I lived in Florida, I had access to space. A garage to work in, or a large backyard. I don’t really have that here, but I could figure it out.

I realize I had become very drawn to these wavy headboards as of late, and while I’d never buy one (probably too trendy to spend too much money on), I could justify making one for far, far less. If and when I tire of it, I could repurpose the fabric and the wood on another project.

The more I write, the more I’m convincing myself that maybe this is the move for me. A bold velvet hue sounds great, but also, so does a print. Something a bit English perhaps, or a modern blockprint.

I wasn’t able to find many inspiration photos, but I think I can cook something up based on what I like and don’t like about the below photos. What use is it to have a husband who’s spent most of his career as a draftsman/architectural designer if he can’t draw something usable to work from, hm? THANKS CHARLES!

Image via Instagram / Design: Arent&Pyke

This is the photo (from design firm Arent&Pyke) that started it all for me. I believe I shared this many moons ago, and I still love it. You may know I have an affinity for blue velvet…and rust velvet…and chalky slate walls. Truly, this photo makes me want to throw away my current bedroom and just do this. And then I have to stop and remind myself that I’m trying to challenge myself by attempting something new for me. Anyhow, I like that the headboard goes out a few more inches beyond the mattress, so it feels grand (but not overly clunky). It’s more a delicate swoop then a “wave” but I like it very much.

Image via Instagram / Design: Hamrei

I linked to this bed by designer and artist Hamrei in Friday’s 5 Quick Things post, and man oh man do I love it. It’s likely not very comfortable to lean against. I’d have to stack pillows behind my head to not fall into the wave dip, head clunking against the wall. But I like the specific wave pattern, that it’s lower profile, and that it appears to go wall to wall. I go back and forth with whether that’s a look I want myself, or if I’m so over seeing it already. Still unsure. So probably not tired of it.

Image via Maison de la Luz / Design: Studio Shamshiri

If you’ve never laid eyes on New Orleans Hotel Maison de la Luz, you need to. It’s so charming, it’s sickening. It’s literally all my wildest dreams that I could never actually really live in come to life in a single location. It’s wild and lush and amazing. Anyhow, in their suites, they have this wavy beaut. I really like the wider depth of the “down” wave, reaching a soft peak, rounded at the edges. Here’s a fuller look at the bed:

Image via Maison de la Luz / Design: Studio Shamshiri

I love this whole thing. The rug, the eclectic art trio, the simple crisp bedding with contrasting piping. It’s literally nothing like the vibe I’m going for in my own bedroom, but I still love it. I’m allowed to love many things all at once, okay? You are, too. Normalize loving all the design styles. BUT, this is a good example of how a narrower profile—meaning something that doesn’t extend out any further than the mattress—could look. I like it, but I think I prefer the other options a bit more I think for their modern leanings.

Image via The Interior Archive / Design: Tom Scheerer

Here’s what I don’t really want to achieve. It’s a bit too tall and a bit too bulbous if that makes any sense to you. Do you see it? It reads a bit too traditional to me, but that could be the bedding. If I cover up the foreground with my hand, the headboard itself set against those lamps, nightstands and even the printed curtains feel a bit fresher. Perhaps that tells me I don’t actually want a tight, English print on my headboard?

So that’s where I leave you for now. Hopefully the Internet was following me while I hunted down these images, and now I’ll be showered with a plethora of wavy headboards and beds to pull even more inspiration from. If not, I think I have a decent idea of what I’m after. It’s just a matter of width and fabric.

What say you? I know it’s a bit “trendy” and I don’t typically go that route but I think in the context of some other things in the space, it could feel less “now” and more “wow.” Okay, I couldn’t help myself. What I really wanted to write was less “now” and more “hey, that’s something interesting.”

I’m thinking on it.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.