Ask the Audience: Go-To Gift Ideas?

Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

Happy Thursday friends! Today, I’m handing over the reins to you all as I recover from a, uh, harrowing experience at the doctor this morning. In short, for anyone who has been pregnant, you’ll likely remember the glucose tolerance test with zero fondness. Well, I had to do it twice, this time going in for a 3-hour examination that involved me nearly passing out, getting sick into a gallon-sized Ziplock bag, and coming home numerous hours later to feel pretty off the rest of the day. TMI? Oh well, my blog.

Suffice it to say, I’m eager to head back to the comforts of my bed and watch Netflix with some takeout for the remainder of the evening. But, reader Pam asked a question the other day that made me think: Hm, this would actually be a great idea to crowd-source on a post, then collect your thoughts and suggestions to repost, depending on what comes of it. As we head into the holiday season, it’s so easy to get stuck on what to get people, specifically anyone not super close to you that maybe you still end up wanting to gift something to. Or perhaps it’s someone who helped you or did something very nice for you and you want to show your gratitude.

So, my “ask the audience” question of the day is as follows: What are fail-proof gift ideas that aren’t super personal but still thoughtful? Or perhaps, what is a thoughtful gift you’ve received in the past that has stayed with you? It can be something material, a gesture, an action, a service…anything goes.

Don’t be shy, even if you’ve never commented before. All are welcome!

See you tomorrow, FOAS. Can’t wait to see what everyone has to add.