Bedroom Design Moves, Upcoming Trips, KitKats: My Tuesday Gratitudes

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Well hello there! How is everyone (like, how are you…really?)? I’m doing much better physically this week so far than last week, and for that, I’m so thankful. I’m also happy to report that, even though I’ve been quiet on the designing-my-bedroom front, things have actually been happening in the background! Our new bed (!!!) just needs to have delivery scheduled when we’re ready—a.k.a. when we get a new mattress—a rug is currently residing wrapped up on the floor of my living room, beautiful handmade nightstands I found recently are being produced, and I’m waiting on sconces to come back into stock. All that leaves is a dresser, an armoire, and a few things here and there like bedding, decor, some art. And it’s DONE. a year+ later and it’ll be done. At least “phase 1” because as I’ve shared before, I’m happy to let this bedroom evolve a bit, as long as it feels far more polished and purposeful than it currently does.

I’ll write more about it all when I can sit down for a bit and really dig in. I have some things to share about selecting a rug, because that’s one of my biggest issues in every room I design and I’m sure there are lessons to share with you there. Beyond that, life feels relatively calm compared to how it probably should for all the things going on right now, but I’ll take it. We experience life the way we choose to, and right now, I’m choosing to breathe and take things as they come. Not easy, but I’m trying.

To lean into that stillness, here are some of my current gratitudes. As always, please feel free to share any or all of yours:

I’m grateful for my body getting me through several hours, walking around an outdoor fair on Halloween.

I’m grateful for a warm bed on chilly nights and mornings.

I’m grateful for the treat of little (refrigerated) KitKat bars.

I’m grateful for parents who never stop showing their love and support.

I’m grateful for my love of design and all the experiences I’ve been able to have to feed and grow that love.

I’m grateful I finally locked in a rug, bed, nightstands and sconces for my bedroom! (More on that soon.)

I’m grateful for progress, even if minute. Forward is still forward.

I’m grateful that I have a little Thanksgiving trip to look forward to.

I’m grateful for trees. They’ve finally started changing colors here and things actually look (& feel) like fall in LA right now.

I’m grateful for someone who cleans after I cook.

I’m grateful for cozy socks and sweaters.

I’m grateful for movies to rewatch for pure comfort.

I’m grateful for my body and my life.

I’m grateful for you.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.