Binge-Watching Partner, Pedicures, Progress: My Weekly Gratitudes

Photo by LUM3N on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 179/365

Well hey there all. I’ve had a few off days and feeling a bit more like myself again, which is nice. Nothing awful, just…some off days. We all have them, surely. Thank you for your excitement and encouragement over yesterday’s post. I really am looking forward to doing some tests, though they’ll require me to plan ahead. Typically, as you might know, I just plop myself down at night and figure out what I’m saying right then and there. But many times, that doesn’t leave me with many options, plus the stress of facing writer’s block is real…all the time. No one is telling me to do it that way, of course, as it’s just the way I set things up for myself. I’m thinking I can do two tests a month to start and see how they go.

In the meantime, I have some things to express my gratitude over:

I’m grateful for two solid watermelons in a row.

I’m grateful for ice, and ice-cold water.

I’m grateful for my physical therapist that always assures me I’ll get to the other side of my physical issues, even when I have harder days.

I’m grateful for feeling better after a few days with some tummy troubles.

I’m grateful for someone to binge-watch TV with.

I’m grateful for beautiful, seasonal produce.

I’m grateful for contact lenses.

I’m grateful for an at-home pedicure, even though I very much miss salon pedicures.

I’m grateful for my parents who don’t let a few days go by without reaching out.

I’m grateful for books, a.k.a. little worlds to get lost in.

I’m grateful for you.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.