“Busy is not your purpose.”

Photo by Max Ostrozhinskiy on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 21

My friends, I have nothing much to say today. My body is aching from a challenging day at physical therapy, my head is throbbing from who knows what, but my spirit is light and happy. I caught what I was able to of the inauguration of this nation’s new president and it felt like I was floating, even with my limbs heavy and weak. I know a new president doesn’t immediately change things, doesn’t solve social and racial injustices, doesn’t turn down the thermostat on the warming planet, but it’s a hope that we can do better. That’s a nice feeling.

No profound words to share, no essay to finish. I know I’ll have days like this where my “writing” constitutes a few lines. It won’t meet Google’s recommended 500 word minimum for SEO optimization. Eh, who cares. I’m not doing this for Google anyway.

Instead, today I’ll share a few screengrabs of some things I’ve bookmarked into my “Feel Good” folder on Instagram. They are things I’ve saved over time, but looking at them all together, clearly, I’m drawn to a certain uplifting message. I tend to save these and never go back to them for a long time. Which I kind of prefer, because I forget all about them and then it’s like a little gift to my future self! The one that speaks MOST to me right now? “Busy is not your purpose.” I have SO much to say on the topic of busyness, but not today. Enjoy these, save them, Pin them, ignore them. Either way, thanks for being here today.

See you tomorrow, friends.