Cheese, Mugs & Mantras: My Tuesday Gratitudes

Project 365, Day 117/365

Happy Tuesday and welcome to my regular installment of Tuesday Gratitudes. For anyone new around here, this is something I write on Monday (for the following day when you read it) as a way to set my mind right for the week and live with gratitude instead of focusing on all the things wrong or annoying. This is new for me. Something I started doing this year, and I have to tell ya, it’s so nice to just sit for a few minutes and take stock of the things, big and small, silly or serious, that maybe we take for granted by not acknowledging. 

I encourage anyone reading to start a gratitude practice, even if it’s by reading this post every Tuesday and listening off some things to yourself out loud or in your mind. Even better, feel free to share what you’re comfortable with with the group! I love reading everyone’s gratitudes weekly. 

Here are mine for today and this final week in April:

I’m grateful for a day where I finally feel less awful. Yay! 

I’m grateful for some time off next week. 

I’m grateful for a friend’s birthday and sharing cake with them (safely). 

I’m grateful that in just a few more weeks, all my family members will be fully vaccinated.

I’m grateful for cheese. How can something be so delicious in every form?

I’m grateful for science and all the amazing things it does for us. 

I’m grateful for non-science and all the fun mysteries of the universe and unknowns to ponder. 

I’m grateful for mugs (and the coffee I put in my mugs).

I’m grateful for a mantra I’ve started saying to myself to get me through being in my feels. 

I’m grateful for shows to comfort-watch, like Bobs Burgers and Broad City. 

I’m grateful for parents who call me to check in on me regularly when they know I’m not feeling my best. 

I’m grateful for a partner that I really happen to like quite a bit. 

I’m grateful for FOAS. 

See you tomorrow, FOAS.