Go-To Sheets, Lasagna Soup, a Feel-Good Work Moment: 5 Quick Things

Well…I suppose pregnancy brain is real, friends. I scheduled up today’s post for the usual 3 am PT…except what I really did was schedule it up for 3 pm PT. Only realized when I noticed, halfway through my morning, that no comments had come in. By this time, there are a few of you popping in to chat. Sorry about that! Here’s the post that should have gone live a few hours ago:

We did it! We made it! Another Friday. I surely do love celebrating a Friday, but the other part of me (the part of me that started partaking in lillordag) doesn’t like “living” for Friday. Then, every week is marked simply by Friday. A handful of too-long non-Fridays leading up to Friday, followed by some more non-Fridays leading up to Friday. Who can live like this?!? The plight of the five-day work week. Ay!

How was everyone’s week? I hope there were wonderful moments of serendipity for everyone, and if not this week, than definitely next.🙂 Today, I’m one week away from officially being in my third trimester (!!!). It’s hard to believe time has gone so quickly, though I’m sure it’s about to slow way down purely because it’s getting harder to move around and it takes me a few minutes to catch my breath after walking up the stairs. Ha.

Here’s what I had my eye on this week:

Quick Thing #1

Okay, so, if you’re anything like me, you perpetually have a box of lasagna noodles in your pantry with just a few sheets left in it. Maybe the last lasagna you made only called for 8 sheets, and now you’re stuck with 5 random leftover sheets that sit there forever, because using them would mean not having enough for a full-size lasagna, so you buy *another* box to supplement and then you’re stuck in the same hamster wheel of excess lasagna noodles. Enter the lasagna soup! I made this years ago and remembered it this past week when grocery shopping and it was great! It was just the thing to use up the rest of my noodles. I know some people make skillet lasagnas, which would be another great option.

Quick Thing #2

Sharing a little bit from my work world with you today. Part of my job is to find other content or brand partners to market the furniture company I work for. I got to work with Lifetime for a philanthropic makeover with Reba McEntire and I just got the video yesterday and it made me feel SO GOOD. People.com covered the project, and I’m including it here today because I’m proud! My company donated the furniture in the living room, kitchen and adult bedroom.

Quick Thing #3

Design nerds, it’s our favorite time of year! One Room Challenge reveal week! If you don’t know what the ORC is, it’s well…a challenge to makeover one room in a span of 8 weeks. 20 featured designers and bloggers are picked every season and the transformations are always jaw-dropping. Head here for the full list of featured designers and then you can click through to each of them to find their projects. Such fun (and hard work)!

Quick Thing #4

I have been on a 6-month long mission to find leggings that were soft, not restrictive (why is EVERYTHING a compression legging now?!?), not see-through and affordable. I cannot tell you how many leggings I’ve bought from places everyone swore up and down was “the best” only to find that I felt like a stuffed sausage or like I was being suffocated because they were overly thick, overly stiff, overly compressing. That, or they cost $100 each. I returned almost all of them. But I finally found these (in the maternity version) and I gotta say…I think they are it. They’re pretty thin, tbh, almost feel like thick opaque tights but they are NOT see-through and OH MY GOSH they are comfortable. They feel like a second skin, and this lady right here is finally happy.

Quick Thing #5

The new mattress we ordered (more on that in another post) is being delivered on Monday, and I needed to get some bedding for it ASAP because we had a queen previously and sized up to a king. I wanted to buy some beautiful, high-quality bamboo sheets and then some crisp percale, but I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the options and also waiting for good Black Friday sales. So, in the meantime, I picked up a pair of my trusty Target performance sheets. They are priced fantastically for 100% cotton (microfiber or synthetic fiber sheets are always way cheaper but I hate them because they do not breathe), and have so many cute patterns. I chose the blue dots because they’re subtle. When I decide on other sheets, I’ll be sure to share.

Have a good weekend, FOAS! See you Monday.