My Favorite Holiday Scent

Welcome back to Arlyn’s month of favorites (minus one day, as I took yesterday off due to Charles’ birthday). We had a lovely weekend together; Saturday was spent with close friends while Sunday was family day. Also, typing “family day” still feels a bit surreal, even all these months later. Hernandez-Shaw party of three hardly registers most days, easy to forget the big picture when we’re moving through our daily routine of bottles, nursing, pumping, naps, cleaning, laundry, besitos (kisses), snuggles, and giggles.

While Charles’ first birthday as a dad felt a bit different than years past, he thoroughly enjoyed himself (I think, ha). But as life goes, today, we’re back to business, and I’ve got another recommendation for you. Now, while I’m firmly in the camp of not going too far into Christmas cheer until at least after Thanksgiving, I also get that everything is selling out in basically September, everything takes an eternity to get to you, and some soft rules need to be bent. (But also, if you’re a give-me-Christmas-now person, kicking your pumpkins to the curb on Nov. 1 in place of your tree, all the power to you.)

Product name: Frasier Fir Diffuser Oil at Thymes

A little about it: Thymes’ line of Frasier scents is by far my favorite holiday scent. I discovered it via a candle on a co-worker’s desk years ago. My nose was tickled by the glorious whiff of wintery evergreen, a clean, pure, warm-yet-bright fragrance. I’d make a tradition of buying my yearly candle and looked forward to the ritual of lighting it daily, but last year, I discovered the essential oil for my diffuser and honestly love it even more. Now that I have a wild little 9-month-old (nearly) that pulls herself up on every table and surface in the house, a burning flame is out of the question. Good thing I’m prepared! 🙂

Why I like it: It’s just the *best* scent. Even better than a real tree because—and maybe it’s just me—I’m never able to fill my home with Christmas-y smells via the ol’ Tennenbaum alone. The diffuser oil in particular is subtle but effective and I don’t have to worry about leaving on a candle if I’m leaving the room. A few drops go a long way. In fact, I’ve had the same bottle since last year and it’ll likely last me another year or more. Talk about value! If you want your home to smack of a Christmas tree lot, don’t bother with anything else.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.