My Favorite Space-Saving Utensil Drawer Organizer

We made it to Friday and rounding out the first (partial) week of Arlyn’s Month of Favorites! AMF! Today was so so lovely. Charles and I took off work to take my mom to The Huntington Library & Gardens in Pasadena, which is so beautiful, they actually used it as the backdrop for the show The Good Place to represent heaven. Evelyn crawled around an open field near the bamboo thicket, may or may not have eaten some grass and refused to nap in her stroller, but overall, it was such a great day.

But if you’re not here for my daily life notes and rather my product recommendations, you’re in luck. It’s time!

This is what I was dealing with before, plus a knife block taking space on the counter.

Product name: HOUMESO Silverware Organizer at Amazon

A little about it: I had a bamboo drawer organizer for years. There wasn’t anything inherently wrong with it, in fact, I quite liked it. But I have exactly three drawers in my kitchen: one is dedicated to my spices, the other to storage things and food prep items like parchment paper, and the last is my utensil drawer. So, suffice it to say, I need to maximize every square inch of my 100-year-old kitchen. Most days, I’d have to jimmy a spatula in a drawer to release it from something inside it was stuck on. That, or take out four things just to access the one thing I needed. It just wasn’t working anymore.

So I hunted around for a solution that also gave me back a little counter space and I landed on this. I said bye-bye to my bulky wood knife block, shifted a few larger utensils and tools around and now I have a far more effective utensil drawer where I can reach everything.

Real life is FAR messier than this picture-perfect rendering from the product page, but such simplicity is enticing.

Why I like it: The key to this whole thing is the nested silverware portion and layered knife slots. By essentially stacking my forks, knives and spoons rather than setting them in slotted sections side by side, I freed up 2/3 of the drawer. I will say if you have any more than a serving set of 6-8, this might not be the solution for you because not much more than that would fit in each zone, but if not, it’s a smart use of space. If you only want either the silverware portion or the knife portion, they have those separate, as well.

See you on Monday, FOAS! Hope everyone has a glorious weekend.

*all product links in this post are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission if you make a purchase. Don’t worry, it doesn’t cost anyone anything extra. Thanks for your support!