Pickles, Hot Showers, Vulnerability: My Weekly Gratitudes

Photo by Natalie Rhea on Unsplash

When I first started blogging every day, at the beginning of Project 365, I was chatting with a close friend. We talked about writing (she is also a writer), how much work it is, how much you have to give of yourself to be a good writer. And she said something that stopped me for a second and then stuck with me. “You’re so brave.” I remember thinking “huh? Why on earth am I brave for doing something that comes naturally to me?” I may have asked her something along those lines as a retort. If I recall correctly, she really couldn’t tell me why exactly what I was doing was “brave”…writing every day, telling my stories, thinking my thoughts aloud for others to read. It just was for her, but not really for me.

All she added to the thought was “I could never let someone else read all my vulnerabilities like that.” I’ve thought on that quite a bit since we had that conversation. It’s not always easy to just say what’s on my mind, or unzip my brain for everyone here to digest, but I do it because so much of what makes us feel alone, or strange, or scared are shared…common experiences. If me being vulnerable and authentic and honest maybe would help someone else feel seen, less alone, I’ll do it all day and night. Even if it’s just, at the very least, a moment where they thought “hey! I do that, too!” no matter how silly or mundane. It’s how we connect as humans, and true human connection is one of the greatest things. If we could do more of that, I truly think there’d be so many fewer problems in this world. We’d all see each other a little better, and I can’t imagine much bad would come from that.

Anyhow, that’s why I write posts like yesterday’s. Not to have a silly moment, or learn about your own silliness, but if I bring down my own guard, maybe you will, too, and we can be truer versions of ourselves, together. That’s what I think anyhow.

So, with that said, here are some things I’ve been immensely grateful for as of late:

I’m grateful for free time.

I’m grateful for ice cream.

I’m grateful for movement.

I’m grateful for twirling and singing.

I’m grateful for vulnerability.

I’m grateful for pickles (man do I love pickles).

I’m grateful for friends who still remain friends even after months or even years of not being in touch.

I’m grateful for a natural deodorant that actually works for me.

I’m grateful for my siblings and nephews and parents and extended family.

I’m grateful for hot showers and cold A/C (when it feels like working).

I’m grateful for the hope of fall’s arrival…eventually.

I’m grateful for steady access to many things like clean water, good doctors, fresh food.

I’m grateful for life.

I’m grateful for FOAS.

See you tomorrow, friends.