Pieces of Home, Pressure Cookers, “Chuck”: My Weekly Gratitudes

Photo by Mateo Giraud on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 173/365

How is everyone doing out there? It feels like everyone is busy with their lives (including me) which both thrills me, makes me anxious and always makes me feel like our warm little slice of the internet is a bit quiet these days. I feel like summer tends to be that way. I both love the lightness and “adventure” that seems to occupy the summer months, but also begrudge it while I’m inside working for 50 hours a week. Adults should have summer vacation the way kids have summer vacation, don’t you think? 😉

Apart from clearly not being grateful for having enough time off to enjoy the summer, here’s what I’m grateful for this week:

I’m grateful for a little piece of (FL) home friends brought back from a trip.

I’m grateful for being pushed hard at physical therapy and being able to get through it, feeling strong.

I’m grateful for how much my nephews are obsessed with their “Chuck” (Charles).

I’m grateful for central air conditioning as summer officially arrives to LA.

I’m grateful for living in a city where I can access both the beach and the mountains.

I’m grateful for my pressure cooker.

I’m grateful that some VERY delayed mail finally arrived to its destination.

I’m grateful for little notes you write to yourself from the past that you stumble upon.

I’m grateful for thriving house plants that I may or may not forget to water for weeks…

I’m grateful for you, readers, friends of Arlyn Says.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.