Super Soft PJs, Headache Ice Hat, A Moment of Peace: 5 Quick Things

Project 365, Day 225/365

We made it! I’ve got that Friday feeling! This weekend, I’ll be prepping for our upcoming trip—laundry, cleaning (anyone else like coming back to a clean home?), last-minute errands. I also have some designs I’ve been slacking on for a friend that I need to pull together. And that’s basically it. No real obligations, just like I like it, and a to-do list that I’m in control of. Anyone doing something fun (or not fun) this weekend to share?

Here are some things I liked this week:

Quick Thing #1

I’ve always gotten headaches off and on in my adulthood. Too much screen time, bad eyesight, tension carried in my neck and shoulders, but lately, they’ve been hitting me a bit harder. My coworker who gets regular migraines told me her headache hat was a lifesaver, so I ordered one up and I can’t believe I didn’t have this sooner. Before, I’d take a soft ice pack I had in the freezer for my back, wrap it in a towel, and tie it awkwardly around my head. This velcros in place and can even cover your eyes if your headaches are light-sensitive (mine are not). It’s a bit pricey, but I’ve grabbed for it almost every day because it quickly relieves tension for me. I do have to stuff a cloth napkin in around my ears because they are super sensitive to cold (I’m a VISION in this thing), but pish posh, no bother.

Quick Thing #2

At this point, I feel like everyone is watching this already, but in case you are not, I highly recommend The White Lotus on HBO Max. A new episode rolls out every Sunday, and I believe there are five or six out. The first episode quickly sets up an “endpoint”, then rewinds back in time a week or so, so you have to watch to see how they get there. I like that kind of storytelling, so I’m quite enjoying this dark-ish comedy (if you can call it that).

Quick Thing #3

I just purchased these pajamas and wow are they good. They feel really high quality for the price point, are so, so soft and so far, the buttons haven’t been an issue popping open like a similar set I have from Target. Made of bamboo, they don’t sleep hot at all, which is crucial this time of year for me. The sizing seems to run just a tad small. I’d normally be a large, but I went by my measurements for the top and get an X-large and they fit just right, so keep that in mind!

Quick Thing #4

The kitchen is a place I feel fairly comfortable in, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate information to make things better. Wirecutter is one of my favorite product testing and review sites, and sometimes, I’ll read their non-product-specific articles, like this one, on how to pick the best type of cookware depending on what you’re making. The cookie sheet information was news to me, frankly. (If you want the shortened version, they posted this handy guide on Instagram.)

Quick Thing #5

I stumbled upon this at a moment where I really needed it, and it brought me a lot of peace.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.