Swollen Ankles, Full Hearts (& Stomachs): My Tuesday Gratitudes

My friends! I’m back, a day later than anticipated around here, but back nonetheless. I hope anyone who is stateside had a lovely holiday doing whatever it is that they wanted to do and spending it with whoever they wanted to spend it with. Charles and I traveled with a set of friends a little north. We drank hot chocolate out on the porch while looking at all the stars we don’t get to see in LA (I wished on a shooting star!), we visited a museum dedicated to the history of the city we were in and learned all kinds of things about the California gold rush, we even walked through a “ghost town” comprised of buildings from the late 1800s that were all moved from other parts of the local area. That’s us up top in front of an old post office (it’s real, not just for movies!).

I cooked a little, ate a lot, put my feet up for literal days, watched movies, played games and enjoyed plenty of downtime. It was much-needed rest and recharging that I took full advantage of. And yeah, I did a little online shopping—all things to prep for baby.

During our time away, I officially crossed over into the third trimester…just a few more weeks to go! The months have truly flown by and aside from my fair share of aches and pains (and a newly found residence from my nemesis, Insomnia), I’ve been enjoying this process so much. I’m tired, constantly out of breath and mostly uncomfortable, but I recognize that your first baby is incredibly special, and I’ll never get *this* experience again. While I’m looking forward to seeing little nena’s face and meeting her, I also am not ready just yet to welcome her. I’m sure I’ll be singing a different tune in another few weeks when I can’t see my feet anymore.

All that said, I have plenty to be grateful for, so let’s get to some weekly gratitudes:

I’m grateful for time away from home (and a home I love to come back to).

I’m grateful for time with Charles, as I know this current version of “us” that we’ve known for so long will be changing very soon.

I’m grateful for a healthy report from the doctor this morning for the nena. “She’s a squirmy one”—a direct quote from my OB. Ha. Don’t have to tell me that.

I’m grateful for good friends who care.

I’m grateful for awaited packages that come earlier than you think (I got a special sconce delivery today for the bedroom!!!).

I’m grateful for nature and fresh air and starry night skies.

I’m grateful for Christmas and the Christmas season that I love so much (oh, and happy Hannukah to those who celebrate!).

I’m grateful for being able to get through some yoga today (yay body!).

I’m grateful for chocolate and cheese and all the yummy things.

I’m grateful for salads and greens and produce (to balance the chocolate and cheese).

I’m grateful for you, readers.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.