Tomorrow’s Post Today + An Ask the Audience

Project 365, Day 7

Hi friends! This is a quick one. 100% a cop-out, but let me explain. Before I embarked on Project 365, I didn’t realize I’d have early morning physical therapy sessions twice a week for at least a month. Getting up ANY earlier to write…let’s get real: that is not happening. I am neither an early bird nor a night owl. Is an afternoon antelope a thing? Nap-time nightingale? Don’t get me wrong, mornings are my favorite time of day. I LOVE breakfast (one day, I shall write my ode to the breakfast sandwich here; it will be beautiful, surely), the stillness of dawn…except I can’t ever bring myself to see it. Is my bed too comfortable perhaps?

Anyhow, I feel like the best thing to do is be consistent about the time of day I’m publishing my post and I think mornings are best. I want anyone who comes here daily (weekly, monthly), to know whether there will or won’t be something new to them. So I’m going to be writing today for tomorrow, every day, and schedule the post to go live at 6 am ET/ 9 am PT.

As I didn’t want to cheat the system and not get something up today, this will have to suffice for my writing, day 7. Then, I’ll get to work on tomorrow morning’s post.

Thanks as always for being here and commenting. Anytime my phone bleeps that I have a comment, my heart swells. Your engagement and interest are never lost on me, I promise you that.

OH! I did want to ask. For anyone who is a newsletter subscriber (what are you waiting?), I don’t want to bombard your inbox every day with a post unless you want that. My thought is to go back to my Wednesday and Sunday email schedule from yesteryear with all the new posts I’ve published since the previous send in case you need to catch up, but please let me know what you prefer. Weekly? Daily? A few times a week? Any feedback is helpful.

See you tomorrow, friends!