Tuesday Gratitudes

Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 26

It’s been a few weeks since my last gratitudes post. I wrote that one as a hail Mary for a day I didn’t know what else to write. Surprisingly enough, it seemed like you liked it, so here again I find myself turning to that format. There are several drafts I’ve started. I touched three of them this morning, but just not inspired enough to tackle them. When the words flow freely on the screen, it’s like the egg timer went off on a draft. It’s ready. It’s ripe for writing. There were no egg timers this morning. So gratitudes it is. 🙂

Today, January 25 (26 for you), I’m grateful for…

The rain. One of the posts I actually started was all about me and my affinity for rain, but I’m not ready to finish it just yet. But until then, I’ll share my gratitude for this past rainy Saturday because my heart is happy when it rains. Of course, California’s dry lands need it, but it’s more than that for me. I’ll hang on to those thoughts for my other post so I have something to say there. It’s supposed to rain later this week, and I can’t wait.

My new doctor. You’d think by what I’m about to say that all of my gratitudes today are tied to an unfinished draft, but they aren’t, I promise! I’m also working on a post about self-advocation and not giving up on yourself when you know you’re not getting what you need. My new doctor falls into this category. Further thoughts, I’ll save, but I’m so grateful for the new doctor I found who is committed to helping me forward.

My Bed Jet. Okay, you’re probably like…”Arlyn, please inform us about what a Bed Jet is because it sounds…curious.” There exists this category of product called a bed fan, and four years ago, I tested one out for an article on Apartment Therapy when I used to work there. Back in Florida, I needed it to keep me cool, here in LA, I’ve been using it to keep me warm. Essentially, it’s a somewhat bulky unit that acts as both an air conditioner and heater for INSIDE YOUR BED. You decide what temperature and intensity of either setting, and it’s marvelous. We’ve used ours for years and it helps us keep our thermostat in check both in winter and summer. It’s been so cold here lately that I can’t not be grateful for its services. You can check it out here.

The invention of the air fryer. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my Ninja air fryer? I held out on these things for years. No, really, my mom had been recommending I get one for maybe the past five years. She talked about her Paula Deen air fryer she bought off HSN (maybe it was QVC) with the same vigor that everyone else was bringing up their Instant Pots. Mom, you were ahead of your time. I’ve used it numerous times a week since I bought it last year, but lately, with Whole30, it’s been an EXTRA lifesaver. You’re not allowed to fry things in oil, so…into the air fryer it goes. Like…everything. The one I have is great for a smaller household, and it’s on sale right now!

My parents. While I’m talking about my mom, I’ll go ahead and stay here for a moment. I know that not everyone my age still has the blessing of having both their parents with them, and relatively healthy. I also know that not everyone has great relationships with their moms and/or dads and I’m SO grateful that I do. Those two are my lifeline. I haven’t seen them in well over a year at this point, being in California while they are in Florida, but I get to chit chat with them both on the phone a few times a week and it always fills my tank. My mom was one of the only things keeping me from throwing in the towel when I was in the worst parts of my physical issues the last few months. Moms are amazing that way. She lit my way in the darkest moments, kept positive for the both of us when I didn’t have it in me. Mom and dad, thank you. I’m grateful for you today and literally every second of every day of my entire life. There will never be enough words. Ever. ❤️

And now that I’ve filled my eyes with enough tears that I can hardly see the screen anymore—I’m a sap, sorry—I’ll wrap this up. Can I throw in a final gratitude? To you all. Who read my little blog. My words. Whether you’re here what seems like daily (looking at you Rusty, and Emie, and Paula, and Debbie, and Sam E. and…) or pop in when you can, I feel like I have friends cheering me on with every post. Even when I could only post every few weeks/months, you were still there. What a beautiful little community I have here with you. I said to Charles the other day how special it is to know my commenters by name. To get tiny glimpses into your lives with the comments you leave me. You owe me nothing, yet here you are, giving me something. How lucky am I?

See you tomorrow, friends!