Where Do You Buy Clothes?

Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 221/365

Lately, I’ve been in a bit of a clothes rut. And by lately, I think it’s safe to say the last several years. I rarely go outside my basic mall go-tos, the likes of Old Navy, Target, Loft, Madewell, Nordstrom. If I’m feeling adventurous, maybe I’ll check out ASOS, H&M or even Everlane (though I’ve never made a purchase, just a lot of browsing). I haven’t been a big clothes purchaser for a while now, but when I do need (or want) something new, I always get stuck. Buying strictly online can be tricky for me since I’m the laziest person when it comes to going to the post office to make a return to something without a brick-and-mortar but I’m willing to do it if it means trying something new.

I’ve tried perusing second-hand markets like Poshmark (there are some gems in there, for sure), clothes subscription services such as Stitch Fix, but I mostly felt like I was getting the same kind of clothes I’d buy for myself at the stores I was trying to avoid or break free from. There are so many amazing boutiques here in LA, but sizing 12+ can be tricky or non-existent, plus…$$$$. While I’m a big believer in buying quality rather than quantity in most things—home goods, shoes, handbags, for instance—clothes…that one is harder for me.

Part of me thinks this comes from a long-held belief that I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on something that might not fit me for very long, you know…because I was going to lose weight, duh. Well, 15 years of being roughly the same size give or take a few pounds mean a lot of waiting around.

So I’m curious. What nationally available retailers do you like for good, stylish, well-made clothing? I’d love to hear if you have any great sources for me to peruse for myself. If not, that’s okay, too. It’ll just give me a mission to dig deep, find some new places, and then share with you.

Anyway, it’s a short one today. Just looking to anyone out there who may have something to share!

See you tomorrow, FOAS.