You Know What They Say About Intentions…

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 4

Today is my first day back to work after a luxurious two weeks off, and I’m trying to squeeze in my daily writing before I move over to the other side of the table, grab my other laptop and settle back into the routine of life. That said, I’m making this a “speed” writing morning. I just set a timer for 20 minutes, and when that timer rings, I’m done.

I’ve seen a ton of people who I follow pass up the typical resolution of the new year (are we finally done with that?) and instead focus on their intentions. Some even picked “words” of the year. I did that once…I forgot by about day six, but that’s just me. I did however see a list of desires posted by Jen Atkin, who I follow for reasons unknown but actually quite enjoy, that I’m about to rip off because I want to have a record of my thoughts at the start of this new year, after a doozy of a previous year. Something to look back on along the year if I need some realignment, and better yet, to read through at the end of the year and see how I did, how life surprised me.

So here goes…I have 15 minutes left on my timer to jam through these.

This is mostly for me, a quite public journal entry of sorts, but I’d love it if you felt comfortable enough to share some of your own intentions. You guys always inspire me so much!

2021 Intentions

I want to quit…

Making lame excuses for why I’m not doing things. I know I’m not alone in this. If none of us made excuses for ourselves, our lives would probably look very different, yeah? We can do it…whatever “it” is, we can. I think the key is to just do more and think less. Textbook over-thinker here. Anyone else?

I want to learn…

Spanish. Okay, I know Spanish. I’m rather fluent in it. My last name is Hernandez…but my Spanish has always been my Achille’s heel. I’ve always been the “gringa” in my family; the one who stumbled over her words and sentence structure when challenged with speaking about things outside of the mundane. And don’t get me started on writing it. Oof. I want my future children to be bilingual at the very least (fun fact: at one point in my life, I spoke four languages rather fluently!), and it has to start with me.

I want to try…

Reading more. I used to read every night before bed. They were trash novels, yes, but I was still reading rather than scrolling. What happened to me? Also, when I read, I get inspired to write, and I know I’ll need all the inspiration I can get over the next 361 days (THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE MORE DAYS?!? What was I thinking??).

I want to have…

Children. Age is not really on my side anymore, and I’ve long desired to be a mother. Frankly, I think it’s one of my callings in life, and certain life happenstances have kept me from it, but if at the end of this year, I were a bit closer to motherhood, I’d consider the year a success.

I want to start…

Waking up earlier. My goal is to wake up at least 45 minutes before I normally do every day to write. Doing something for me first thing in the morning seems like a really freaking great way to start the day.

I want to continue to…

Write every day! Day 4 and I’m already tired, friends. Ha. But I know that’s just my mind battling the discipline. All day, I spend writing little articles in my head, thinking of stories and topics to write about to share here with you, so I know I have it in me. At some point, this will just start to feel like a routine, right?

Oh boy, four minutes left…

I’m going to stop…

Not sure how this is any different than “I want to quit” but I’ll play along. I’m going to stop thinking so much and doing more. Like I already said, I think this is the key. Act before you talk yourself out of it. This is how Project 365 came about. I had a thought while in the car driving around on January 1st with Charles, and then when I got home, I just did it. No time to make excuses. OH, I’m going to throw in another one here. I’m going to stop…apologizing so much when it’s not needed. Mean what you say, then say it with confidence.

I want to be…

Healthy. After months of not having my body at 100%, I understand that without health, you truly have almost nothing. Or at least it feels that way. I’ve had some improvements in my situation if you’ve been following, but every day is different. Today is a good day. Two days ago, not so much. I can’t wait until every day is a good day, health-wise. Watch out world.

And that’s the buzzer! Just under the wire (actually not really, my timer went off just now but I can’t leave you mid-sentence of course. My journalism degree would hunt me down and paper cut me to death, surely).

What about you? Any intentions you want to share?

See you tomorrow friends! Thanks for (still) being here.