You’re Going to Love the Ove Glove As Much as I Do, Promise

True story: I just peeled myself off the sofa, hand trapped under Charles’ head acting as a pillow, both of us snoring, asleep, passed out since 8 pm. It’s now 8:50 pm and I’m beat. There was a time not that long ago when I was still figuring out what was for dinner at this time. On a good day, I’d stroll down the hallway past midnight to watch TV in bed for a while before turning in officially.

Those days are long gone and an impromptu sofa nap after a 6 pm dinner is our here and now. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to being awakened at 5 am to start my day after having been awakened at 1 am, maybe again at 3 am with a 20-minute pump session somewhere in between. I have not slept longer than a 4-hour stretch in 8 months. But this face is worth it:

Charles is not going to be pleased to see this low-res, fuzzy version of a beautiful image he took of Evelyn at the Huntington Gardens. This is a picture of the back of his camera I took on my phone. I’m too tired to ask him to give me the actual photo, so this will have to do.

Anyhow, let’s get to it, friends. Today, I bring to you a completely unglamorous, very ugly but necessary product that works so well, I could not care less about aesthetics.

Product name: Ove Glove

A little about it: Most products labeled “As Seen on TV” tend not to live up much to their infomercial hype. Something you may not know about me: I LOVE infomercials. I could watch them all day long. Many nights in college, my roommates and I would stay up SO late just engrossed in the latest miracle product. I wanted it all because yes, I’m a sucker. Fast forward to being in desperate need of an oven mitt that didn’t singe my fingers every time I held a cookie sheet of roasted vegetables (or cookies) for longer than a few seconds. Traditional oven mitts, with their homogenous hand cave, are clumsy, awkward and have very little grip. Not the best combination of words when you’re dealing with molten cheese in a searing hot porcelain dish, hm?

Why I like it: It does exactly what it says it does. The blue lines are all grippy, so you can take hold of whatever you’re transporting from the oven or grill with confidence. Plus, the thick construction makes it much more heat-resistant. Look, no one said these were going to be pretty. In fact, I said the complete opposite of that, and frankly, I don’t care. Not everything has to be worthy of a design pedestal, right? Some things in your life need to just be functional. Function over form. And also, the double pack makes you wonder why you ever dealt with a singular oven mitt and some awkward matching soft trivet-y thing all this time.

Have a beautiful weekend, my FOAS. Sunday is Charles’ birthday, so I’ll be enjoying his presence on this earth extra hard. See you Monday.

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