6 Design-Focused Instagram Accounts I Actually Follow For the People

Project 365, Day 86/365

Hey ASF (Arlyn Says Friends). Is that a thing? Am I making ASF a thing? Only time will tell. What a strange week. So many god-awful things in the news, so many feels, and then I also just had three straight days where I felt heavy anxiety with no known origin. I’ve had that very under control so it was unsettling to have it rear its uncomfortable, poke-y head. So I started writing a very vulnerable, chest-wide-open post about burnout and anxiety but I’m not ready to finish that. Maybe I never will be. It’s been really self-soothing to write recently, even if it never sees the light of day.

Anyhow, I’m taking Charles to attempt another ice cream run (wish us luck), so I thought a quick post on some fantastic woman would be fun to share! Also, please remind me the next time I mention ice cream that my pants are feeling awfully tight lately… 😉

I follow a lot of design people on Instagram, but there are very few I follow closely on Stories. There are my “pretty in my feed” follows and then my “I want to be their friends” follows, the latter being the type I check in with regularly. So, all the six women below are design-centric but really, I follow them as a person, less for design or DIY. Enjoy!

via House of Esperanza

House of Esperanza

Man do I think Monica from House of Esperanza is a badass. The woman can wield a power tool like nobody’s business. I’m not a DIYer, but I like to pretend that in another life, I could be (haha yeah right, I don’t have the patience for that). Beyond her design work and DIY stories, I really just like her. She has such an interesting story (veteran, 911 dispatcher, mother of two, lost a baby to SIDS) and a beautiful way about her. She soothes me. Plus, she’s not afraid to have super vulnerable, open conversations with her community about motherhood and life in general and does an amazing job of bringing everyone together. She’s awesome.

via Ellee Home

Ellee Home

Part of me feels as if Sandy from Ellee Home and I ever met, we’d be instant friends. We chit chat sometimes on Instagram DM but she just seems so fun. I love following her projects (she recently turned an open nook in her home into the dreamiest reading nook!), I enjoy seeing her with her sweet little daughter, and she’s just good vibes in general.

via Studio Plumb

Studio Plumb

I first discovered Rebecca Plumb last year when she reached out to me at my day job to work together for One Room Challenge. I love a designer who isn’t afraid of bold colors, and Rebecca sure does know her way around a paint deck. Plus, she’s good people, and I prefer to follow people who I would happily have dinner with.

via Creekwood Hill

Creekwood Hill

Speaking of sitting down for a meal with someone, I’ve actually done just that with Lea! Back when I worked for Emily Henderson, Lea came from Minnesota with Erin from Francois et Moi to a reader event in Lake Arrowhead. I had worked with Lea on her house tour for the site, so she sought me out to introduce herself and we fell in love. Ha! I sat with Lea, Erin and Charles for a bit eating, chatting, getting to know each other, and I hope she doesn’t think its weird to say we’re like…friends now! Anyhow, Lea is a fantastic designer and stylist and her home (also up at the top of this post) is so stinking beautiful. Give her a follow!

via City Sage

City Sage

Oh Anne, how you make me laugh. This woman is so real, and funny and I’m obsessed with her family. It’s been so fun watching her sweet little baby, Halo, grow over the past year, and we typically chit chat on DM about the ridiculous parts about marriage and men. I really like that she’s made her petite LA home so soothing and pretty, but if you want a chuckle, head to her Reels.

via Albie Knows

Albie Knows

Dang do I admire this woman. I’ve worked closely with Albie over the past year on many things, and I admire her vulnerability so much. She shares so much of herself on her Instagram Stories, and she’s just real. Real about the design process, real about the home buying process, real about all the things.

So that’s that! Off to make my pants just a touch tighter with the second ice cream run of the week…anything for my Charles (yeah, that’s my sole motivation…).

See you tomorrow, friends.