A Bedroom Design Update

Project 365, Day 14

Hello my little chickens. (My mom used to call us, her children, her little “pollitos” which in Spanish means baby chicks; of course none of you are my baby chicks, but it’s a term of endearment, really.) The truth is, I sat and stared at my laptop screen for about five minutes—it felt like 50—with an empty head. And the first thing that popped in was to say “Hello my little chickens” so there you go.

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit (that can’t possibly be true, just a falsity perpetuated by diet companies or SOMEONE who is profiting off of it, right? RIGHT?!?), but does it work both ways, you know, if we pretend it’s not a lie? Does it take 21 days to build a habit? After 35 years of limited discipline, something tells me no. Day 14, still no habit. Coming here to write is something I think about all day. I’m constantly jotting down ideas for posts to write one day, but today, nothing doin’. I don’t want to write on any of them, so instead, I’m going to answer a question I’ve gotten a few times from you all in the last few weeks: how’s your room design going?

Well, it wasn’t going for months (here’s the last post I did on it from back in August). 100% on pause for numerous reasons, but over the Christmas break, I ordered some stick-on paint swatches from Clare and Backdrop. There are colors I also want to see from Benjamin Moore and Dunn-Edwards, but that would involve me going into a store, and I’m not really doing that right now. One of the Backdrop colors is really nice, but I’m nearly certain my perfect fleshy peach will come in a can from Dunn-Edwards. Once I get those other samples up, I’ll do a whole post about it, and from there, I can start finalizing other things and get a move on.

After spending SO much time in my bed and bedroom over the last five months, I bet it would have been nice to be in a space that actually inspired me, and I want to get it there! I’ll keep you posted.

Thanks for stopping by today.

See you tomorrow, friends!