Dairy-Free Ice Cream, Alone Season 7, Sale on Art: 5 Quick Things

Project 365, Day 197/365

Woo am I beat today. I had another little shoot at work and definitely overexerted myself. And now I’m feeling it. Zzzzz….I’ll cut the chit chat and get right into some quick things on my mind this week:

Quick Thing #1

At some point last year, I’m pretty sure I told you all about the show Alone on Netflix. It was a show I unexpectedly got very into, and season 7 is now on Netflix and it’s been what we’ve been watching this week. The premise is 10 survivalists get dropped in the Canadian Arctic on their own and it’s essentially a last-person standing situation. I’m not usually one for shows like this, but there’s something about it that grips me.

Quick Thing #2

I’m not eating sugar at the moment as a test for something, but if I were, I’d 100% want to try my hand at this dairy-free chocolate ice cream. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Yum!

Quick Thing #3

Last week, in my “dream house bucket list” post, so many of you mentioned wanting a library. As I read your comments, I immediately regretted not adding it to my list because OF COURSE I WANT A LIBRARY. I saw this gorgeous room and thought many of you would appreciate it.

Quick Thing #4

One of my favorite sources for affordable art, Juniper Print Shop, is having a very rare sale! They’re offering up to 25% off everything in the store so now is a good time to commit if you eyed anything the last time I shared about them.

Quick Thing #5

After many weeks…months of prodding by my acupuncturist to give it a try, I’m going to take a deep dive into the work of Nicole Sachs. A handful of you have brought up her name in the past to me, so curious if you ever did her program? I’ve watched her four introductory videos so far, but haven’t started the process of journaling yet. (For reference, Nicole is a psychotherapist—I believe—and believes we can move our bodies out of certain chronic states by retraining our minds. I’ve read a lot of studies regarding the mind-body connection, so it’s not as woo-woo as it sounds. There is real science to this, so I think I’m ready to give it a go.) I welcome anyone who is interested to also watch the videos and please reach out to me privately if you’re interested in talking more about this offline / embarking on this together in some way!

See you tomorrow, FOAS.