I’m Saying It: I Hate Truffle-Anything…& Hummus Is Just Okay. Let Me Explain Why I’m Talking About This.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 203/365

In the spirit of lillordag today, I just went where the wind blew me. And it blew me right into 11 pm without any idea for what to write. Ha. But that’s alright. As I’ve been saying, let’s not beat ourselves up, huh? I chose to live today, and even if that means punching out just a few sentences, then that’s what it’s going to be.

I remember when I first announced Project 365. A friend of mine sent me a note and said something along the lines of “if you can’t think of something to write, just write a haiku, or one pretty line, and the same the next time and the same the next time. At some point, maybe you’ll have written something with all the nothings you wrote.” I thought it was interesting that her expectation of me was just to write whatever every day, as long as I was writing, while my own expectation of myself was several hundred if not thousands of words that had an impact.

I mean…who on earth do I think I am that I felt I could sit down EVERY SINGLE DAY for 365 days and write a whole novel? That’s a heck of a lot of confidence I had in myself haha.

Anyhow, my kernels are brewing in my pot, but nothing popped today, so instead, I have another question for you.

What’s something you feel like everyone around you loves that you just don’t get?

I’ll start:


Everyone is so obsessed with truffle fries, truffle mac and cheese, but it’s not even truffle. It’s truffle oil, and I’m sorry to break it to you, but it tastes like literal dirt. In my last job at EHD, sometimes we’d have little happy hours. Often, we found ourselves in the restaurant downstairs from our office which was gorgeous and had really yummy food, but the team always ordered bowls and bowls of truffle fries and they knew to keep them on the other side of the table from me. The smell, let alone the taste, is god awful.

And another thing…


Okay, hummus is decent, but I promise I’ve seen people lose their heads over hummus. As if it’s queso dip. Hummus is CHICKPEAS people. Again, I’ll eat it. It’s pretty good, but hummus is not liquid gold as most people make it out to be.

There are so many other things I could name if I thought hard enough (you know, like my unpopular opinion about linen bedding). Most of my “yeah…I don’t get its” revolve around food…or media (I don’t understand The Bachelor, any of the Kardashian shows, most reality TV in general). But I’ll leave it to those two because I’ve love to hear from you and your own contrarian ways.

Let’s dish.

See you tomorrow, FOAS.