It Happened: I Finally Painted

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Project 365, Day 81/365

Friends, I know I usually say “this is going to be a short one” then proceed to write 800 words on things like oboes and useless superpowers, but today is the day I will keep that promise. It’s going to be a short one.

I spent nearly all of today finishing the prep work on the bedroom painting project, and the painting. To say that my body feels like an apple at the bottom of a bag full of canned soup wouldn’t be an exaggeration. But you know what? I did it! I made it through. I pushed my body and it only pushed me back near the end. I’m stinking proud of it for getting me through the highly physical task of moving around furniture, dusting cleaning, and painting. I can do hard things. And that was hard. But I did it, and I’m still standing. Of course, I didn’t do it alone. Charles was a huge help and we didn’t even fight ONCE. We’ve literally never gotten through painting a room without at least a small squabble and then a larger fight where I end up giving him the silent treatment for the length of time it takes to put a second coat on. I’m proud of myself and I’m proud of us. Suffice it to say, I didn’t make it to the banana bread today. Maybe I’ll save it for lillordag!

The room looks…good. Turns out, the color I picked, at full scale, doesn’t really read peach in the least. It looks fleshy, like a bandage (who said that in the comments a few days ago?). Yes, I wanted something fleshy, but it leans a bit more fleshy pink than fleshy peach. Granted, I only have up the gray curtains that were there when we moved in, a grey side table we’re using as a TV stand, green nightstands, and silver drapery rods. It will look SO different when I bring in warmer hues, I know that. It’ll be okay.

I wrote this on Instagram, but after the first coat of the first wall, I turned to Charles and said “boy, that sure is pink, huh?” His eyes narrowed and he said something along the lines of “don’t you even start.” I quickly rescanned the wall, and said, as enthusiastically as I could, “I like it!” I do, I do, just not the juicy, peachy tone I had in my mind. I think it’ll come together though. I might be happy I didn’t veer too orange once I get in some rust and mustard and yellow in there.

Okay, I’ve somehow written more than I intended. I’m sorry I haven’t been active in the comments the last few days. I keep meaning to catch up, and then fall asleep before I get to it, but know I read EVERY single one, and reply to you in my head. Can you hear me?? (No, of course, you can’t.)

See you tomorrow, friends.